Word Hunt Game Pigeon High Score

Word Hunt Game Pigeon High Score
Play defensively to maximize your use of premium squares.
To score big, you'll want to take advantage of as many premium squares as possible while reducing your opponent's opportunity to do the same. If you're making the first move, remember you can play a word with up to five letters directly in the center of the board and avoid opening a double word square to your opponent. You can also be a defensive player by not playing a word that begins or ends one or two spaces from a double or triple word square. (Words that are close to a premium square let your opponent use a prefix or suffix to score extra points.)

Game Pigeon Word Hunt Solver

Word Hunt Game Pigeon High Scorecard

  1. To take a screenshot with your Mac, Command + Shift + 3 and then release all keys to captuer the whole screen, or press Command + Shift + 4 and press down.
  2. Words that acquire four letters by the addition of “s,” such as “bats” or “dies,” are not allowed. Additional words made by adding a “d” or an “s” may not be used.
  3. So my friend and I really like Word Hunt. This was the game where he got his highest score ever. I don’t have a screenshot of my highest score ever, but it was in the 33000s. Game pigeon all day and all night. Created Nov 24, 2016.
Word Hunt Game Pigeon High Score

Word Hunt Game Pigeon Highest Score

I never start a game till I've studied the board at Level 1. If I can't find two or three 7-8 letter words, I clear the screen and start over. After Level 1, I use the pause button regularly to stop the clock and find four and five-letter words. My high score is 36,798 but I've never gotten past Round 14. For example, I always wondered if there was a way to sink a golf ball in one shot in the clown's face part of the MINIATURE GOLF game. I think my highest score was 69, certain holes defeated me. I'll start, since I'm currently holduing the high score in the 9 BALL game. My tips: Hit and/or sink as many balls as possible in each shot. 1 day ago  Metacritic Game Reviews, Word Cascade for PC. Please spend some time playing the game. Come back to review it starting at 12:00pm PST on December 24.